Marseillan Plage sanitary facilities

Good evening Bernard and Jean Pierre,

Another opportunity to contact you today, chance and necessity rule, sorry to bother you ! 

Sanitary maintenance is a problem, you know it well and I get a lot of echoes if not repeated complaints… 

Between the ground that becomes a paddling pool (and pants/skirts/dresses/jerseys/underwear…mops), dispenser toilet paper (when you are lucky enough to have some available) transformed into a sponge and the jet of water which short-circuits the electrical installation (when you are lucky enough to have enough bulbs replaced to see), the cup overflows ! 

Knowing that you are aware of the situation and that you deplore it as much as the users,no doubt it would take a reminder to common sense,first of all, to more (???) rigor and care taken in the maintenance work, which is certainly thankless and timed, we are also aware, but which deserves just as much attention as any work .

 I would add that of course we ourselves deplore the irresponsible attitude of certain users who I hope (but doubt lives in me) do not behave at home as in these port sanitary facilities in distress …

Thank you in advance for your understanding and your benevolent firmness which will undoubtedly move the situation forward in the right direction by giving these places of comfort a smiling and pleasant face. !

Cordially yours,


Claude Bobin

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