Claude BOBIN
P/ the APPM to the Mayor of Marseillan
c/of M. the Delegated Councilor in Marseillan-Plage
c/of M. the Captain of the Ports
Mr. Mayor,
I am coming back to you this time about the particular situation we have been encountering in the port of Marseillan Plage for a few days..
In effect, access to the beach which until now was still possible despite the two successive extensions of the Marina Bay concession (which, however, had already penalized port users by twice pushing back access to the beach into the rocks), now becomes impassable from the Port.
We no longer have the direct access to the beach that we always had., except to go around and go through the entrance to the Port, then along the Marina Bay concession, which once again penalizes Port users, after the financial penalization of the consequent increase in our port fees that we deplore.
Furthermore, the beach is now well occupied by the concession of Glénans which is not content with the navigation channel provided for their benefit and installs its beach gear extensively, which pushes back the access to the sea and so to speak privatizes the beach practically until after the channel : I don't think that the Littoral Law benefits from it, by de facto keeping pedestrians away from the water, thus depriving them of a basic right.
A footbridge has been set up by the Glénans for their sole benefit: with a view to harmonizing relations between the various activities on the Port site, why not allow us (by presenting our Port badge for example) to take this path? Several users have had unfriendly exchanges with the Glénans stakeholders and I fear that the situation will worsen over the days..
It is true that a footbridge allowing safe passage over the rocks would be welcome and could be carried out as soon as possible., Lionel had also suggested that I make a request to your services during the first extension of the Marina Bay...
Otherwise, urgently and initially, maybe it would be possible to satisfy everyone by creating a passage with a substantial contribution of sand?
Thanking you in advance for your arbitration and your sense of calm, please believe in our best wishes.
A Marseillan, on 06/07/2021