Ask the Prudhommie

Claude BOBIN

(Association of Yachtsmen of the Ports of Marseillan- 34340 ) to the Prud'hommes of Agde and Sète


During the last Ports Council of the Ports of Marseillan, last Wednesday 5 May, I have made myself the spokesman for a large number of recreational fishermen : given that only two of the concessions off Marseillan Plage are currently in operation, would you agree to allow "small fishermen" to enter the perimeter of these concessions of course without anchoring , only drifting to fish ?

Of course, this request will be sent to Maritime Affairs who manage the sector, with the approval of the Port Council of Marseillan .

Looking forward to your next response, we ask you to believe in our best regards.

A Marseillan, on 12 May 2021

                     P/ the APPM and its Bureau

                     Claude Bobin / 0628466889


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