COMPTE-RENDU DU CONSEIL PORTUAIRE DU MERCREDI 20 SEPTEMBRE 2023La séance débute à 17 h05 (13 membres y participent) et se termine à 19h30.Point 1- On …
Les réunions de l’APPM
COMPTE-RENDU DU CONSEIL PORTUAIRE DU MERCREDI 20 SEPTEMBRE 2023La séance débute à 17 h05 (13 membres y participent) et se termine à 19h30.Point 1- On …
20 members are present, the meeting starts at 4:30 p.m. in the Elders' room as planned. The financial statement is drawn up by Michel Maumont, on …
CP starts on time, 17h, at the wedding hall. *L’approbation du compte-rendu du précédent CP est menée tambour battant et en quelques …
To all members of the APPM Crew, Have a good year ! Allow us to wish you a vintage 2023 sparkling with good vibes, regenerating sea spray, de sorties …
APPM, C. Bobin, 10/11/22 After the rapid approval of the report of the Port Council dated 14 June (Point 1), attribution (Point 2) d’une place de …
9 attendees: 5 elected and voting (Mrs / Mrs Fabre de Roussac, Roussille, De Barros, Boubennec, Bobin) et 4 Officials or Agents (Garcia president of …
POINT N°1 – Approval of the minutes of the last CP of November 15, after modifications requested by the APPM (no vote and no unanimity, in particular for …
The General Assembly will take place on SATURDAY 12 FEBRUARY at 4:30 p.m. at the RESTAURANT des ANCIENS in MARSEILLAN-VILLE. At the end of this GA, we will have the pleasure …
17h, Port Council begins, without the presence of the mayor, retained at the Congress of Mayors of France. Are present(e)s: Mme/Mrs N.Jail, Garcia, Speak, Pascual, Christophe …
The session opens with the presentation of M.Servel, Deputy Director of Financial Services of the Agglo, which now ensures the pooling of Finances, HR …